The month was August of 1968. A young couple named Delbert and Eloise Herrin rolled into Texas City to pastor a small Pentecostal Church congregation of 16. Within very little time, the church outgrew its walls and a new location was needed.

Over the next 30 or so years, the church would endure great battles and victories, setbacks and advances, as the Herrins plowed through the fallow ground of Texas City for this ministry and built from the ground up. During that time, the church became non-denominational and the congregation grew from 16 to 250.


Having answered the call to ministry in the footsteps of his father, their son, Kevin and his wife, Melissa, were ordained as Senior Pastors in 2001. Shortly after, they built a new facility and the church has grown from 300 to an average of 800 in Sunday attendance in eight years.